Frequently Asked Questions
Don't see the answer to your question below? Feel free to contact us—we love cold calls!
General Information
All locations have a 24hr vending machine where you can purchase bags day or night. During Regular business hours, you can buy any size bag from our Product List.
Our Lewistion, ID office has limited hours in the retail store—call ahead for availability.
Bagged, Block, and Dry Ice
It’s about the size of a regular bed pillow.
It’s the size of a shoe box.
Cocktail Ice about 1” square cubes crystal clear. Excellent for craft cocktails
Yes, only at our San Luis Obispo location.
You will lose 5 lbs. in 20 to 24 hours of sublimation. (Turns into a gas.)
You will need 5 lbs. for every day that your box is in transit. A little extra wouldn’t hurt, in case the box sits out on the hot tarmac.
Eight 20 lb. bags will fit.
We recommend 2 to 3 lbs. of ice per person. Check out our Party Ice Calculator.
Snow Ice
5 tons inside of San Luis Obispo County; 10 tons outside of SLO County. Delivery fees may apply.
5 parking spaces at 1ft thick, or 10 parking spaces at 6 inches thick.
We bring a truckload of bagged ice and our snow blower. The blower pulverizes our cubed ice into fluffy fresh snow!
It depends on the day’s temperature and if the event is in the shade.
Yes, residential or commercial—we deliver ice and equipment!
Delivery Fees may apply to some areas.
Refrigerated Trailers
Yes, we have a variety of sizes to fit your event storage needs—please see our Refrigerated Trailers page.
Please call our office for our current pricing, or fill out a Quote Request.
It holds 2,000 lbs. of bagged ice.
It holds 4,000 lbs. of bagged ice.
From 20 degrees to 30 degrees.
Yes. We will drop the trailer at any location you desire for your event.
There are no delivery fees inside each branch’s city limits. Delivery fees may apply outside city limits—call our office for more information.
Yes. You will need a dedicated 20-amp service.
Yes. It holds 20 pallets of ice.
Please call our office for our current pricing, or fill out a Quote Request on our website.
Please call our office for our current pricing, or fill out a Quote Request on our website.
Dry Ice Bins (No electricity needed)
We have “dry ice bins” that are a thick-walled plastic container.
840 lbs. of ice or forty-two (42) 20 lb. bags. We layer in dry ice to insure the ice will stay frozen.
Please call our office for our current pricing, or fill out a Quote Request on our website.
Yes. We will place the bin wherever you would like.
There are no delivery fees inside each branch’s city limits. Delivery fees may apply outside city limits—call our office for more information.
Ice Sculptures and Luges
Yes! We have 300 lb. Carving Blocks and can provide you with a custom ice sculpture for your event. (Currently only available in San Luis Obispo.)
Yes. We have 300 lb. Carving Blocks that can be used to carve a luge for your next party.
Just Google “How to carve a luge” for simple instructions.